Clinical embryology and development of the eye

This chapter combines the traditional anatomical approach to embryology with the rapidly advancing understanding of developmental biological processes involved in eye formation and maturation. Knowledge of the gene networks involved in ocular development provides a foundation for understanding the impact of developmental disorders on visual function. Appreciation of ocular developmental gene networks is also critical for processes of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) differentiation to ocular organoid model systems.

Developmental Biology Concepts and Processes

Developmental biology addresses the processes through which a single cell gives rise to a complex multicellular organism. These processes include mechanisms controlling the changes in shape (morphogenesis), cell type diversity (histogenesis), and functional maturation during embryogenesis.


Differentiation is the process whereby collections of cells develop into a multicellular organism with tissues of particular functions. Multicellular organisms are made of 3D spatiotemporal arrays of different cell types that develop over time. The fate map defines the individual intrinsic (gene) steps to achieve this. Increasingly recognized are the environmental factors (pH, metabolites, morphogens).

Cell migration

Collective cell migration plays essential roles in embryogenesis to facilitate the dramatic shape changes that occur over short periods of time. Differential rates of cell division within and between tissues contribute to these shape changes. Regulatory processes include self-generating gradients, internal chemotaxis or mechanotaxis and contact-dependent polarization within migrating cell groups. Neural crest cells (NCC) are one of the most striking examples of cell migration moving from their birthplace to a distant region including the developing eye.

Programmed cell death

Development includes processes of construction as well as remodeling (destruction). Apoptosis is critical for tissue remodeling enabling normal development.


Embryonic development depends on accurate, timely, and specific communication between cells. Cell communication involves several components, including ligands which are molecules that bind another specific target molecule, termed a receptor. Receptors can be on the cell surface or intracellular. The ligand–receptor interaction will often lead to a signal transduction cascade. Some ligand–receptor interactions can activate several different signal transduction pathways. By convention, the most commonly used pathway is known as canonical (e.g. β-catenin activation in Wnt signaling) and the alternative pathway is known as the non-canonical pathway. Highly conserved core pathways, including the Notch, Transforming Growth Factor beta (TGF-β), Wnt, Hedgehog (HH), and Receptor Tyrosine Kinase (RTK) signaling systems, play pivotal roles across a broad range of developmental processes.

Transcription factor codes

Transcription factors (TFs) are proteins that bind DNA by recognizing specific sequence motifs located at regulatory elements, such as promoters and enhancers. In turn, this TF binding controls downstream processes such as recruitment of RNA polymerases, DNA methylation, and nucleosome chemical modifications and displacement. The result is the activation or repression of gene expression. The expression of combinations of TFs can be used to mark a region of undifferentiated tissue that will become a specific structure. RAX is an example that defines the eye field.

Eye Embryology and Development Overview

The vertebrate eye is formed through coordinated interactions between neuroepithelium, surface ectoderm, and extraocular mesenchyme. Three main periods are distinguished in prenatal ocular development. The first period (embryogenesis) involves the establishment of the primary organ rudiments and finishes when the optic groove (optic sulcus), the anlage of the eye, appears on either side of the midline at the expanded cranial end of the open neural folds around the end of the third gestational week. The second period (organogenesis) includes the development of the primary organ rudiments and extends to the end of the eighth week. The third period (differentiation) involves each of the primitive organs developing into a fully or partially active organ. This period starts at the beginning of the third month. During this period, the retina, optic nerve, vitreous, lens, and angle structures develop. A number of transcription factors and pathways have been identified in association with these developmental events through primarily model system studies (see Table 2.1 ).

Table 2.1
Overview of eye development timing with related transcription factors and signaling pathways, derived from model system studies
Gestational age Developmental milestone, human Transcription factors Signaling pathways
<22 days Eye field specification RAX , OTX2 , Pax6 , Lhx2 , Six3 , Tbx3 , NR2E1 , Six6
  • BMP (Bone Morphogenetic Protein)

  • HH (Hedgehog Family)

<22 days Eye field splitting Shh , Six3 HH
22 days Optic vesical evagination Rax , Pax2 , Pax6 , Tll TGF (Transforming Growth Factor)
28 Lens placode formation Pax6 BMP, TGFβ/Smad3, Wnt/beta-catenin
28 Optic stalk differentiation Shh , Pax2, Vax1, Vax2 HH
32 Optic vesical invagination Shh , Lhx2 , Bmp4 HH, BMP, Retinoic acid (RA)
32 Lens placode invagination Pax6 , Sox2 , Sox1 , Foxe3 , Six3 , Maf , Prox1 TGFβ/Smad3, Wnt/beta-catenin
33 Optic cup patterning Lhx2 , Pax6 , Pax2 , Mitf , and Vsx2 TGF, SHH, WNT, BMP, RA
33 Start retinal neurogenesis in optic cup
  • PNR : Pax6 , Lhx2 , Rax , Vsx2

  • OS: Pax2

  • RPE:Otx2 , Lhx2 , Mitf

  • HH

  • Hippo

  • Notch

Retinal pigment epithelium development Pax6, Mitf, Otx2 FGF, TGFβ, WNT, BMP, Notch and Hippo
Sensory neural retina development Otx2, Crx, Nrl, Nr2e3, Atoh7 HH
42 Hyaloid artery fills embryonic fissure EphrinB2/STAT1/JNK3
42 Closure of embryonic fissure begins Pax2 , Pax6 , Vax1 , Vax2 , Tbx2 , Chd7 , Bcl6 , Ephrin , Jnk , Tbx3 , Tbx5 , Vsx2 , Mitf , Foxc1 , Pitx2 Wnt, FGF, RA, Hippo, Shh, BMP, TGFB
Lid folds appear Fgfr2 , Erbb2 , Shh , Ptch1 and 2 , Smo , Gli2 , Jag1 Notch1 EGF, Shh, Notch, BMP
49 Neural crest cells (corneal endothelium) migrate centrally; corneal stroma follows Pax6 , Pitx2 , Foxc2 , Lmx1b , CXCL14 Retinoic acid (RA),
49 Choroidal vasculature starts to develop Laminin, vitronectin
56 Axons from ganglion cells migrate to optic nerve Pax2 , Slit2 , CSPGs , Shh , Netrin-1 Neutrins, semaphorins, laminin, Ephrin/Eph families
56 Lid folds meet and fuse Fgfr2 , Erbb2 , Shh , Ptch1 and 2 , Smo , Gli2 , Jag1 , Notch1 SHH, Notch, BMP, RA-RXR/RAR, MAP3K1-JNK, EGFR, ROCK, PITX2-DKK2
3rd month Sclera condenses Indian hedgehog (Ihh)
4th month Retinal vessels grow into nerve fiber layer near optic disc VEGF , bFGF , PDGF , Hif2a , LRP1 , FZD4 VEGF, EphrinB2/STAT1/JNK3, SFRP
Schlemm’s canal appears Angpt1 , Angpt2 , TEK VEGF/VEGFR, ANGPT/TEK pathways
Glands and cilia develop in lids FGF10 , FGF7 FGF, BMP, Wnt, Notch, Sox
5th month Photoreceptors develop inner segments
  • Otx2, Vsx2, Prdm1 , Crx , Nrl , Rorβ , Nr2e3 , Thrβ2 Rxrɣ ,

  • Pax6 , Foxn4 , Ptf1a , Neurod1 , Neurod4

Lids begin to separate BMP, Smad
6th month Dilator muscle of iris forms Pax6
7th month Central fovea thins


Fibrous lamina cribrosa forms NRG1/ErbB4
Choroidal melanocytes produce pigment Tyr, Mitf
8th month Iris sphincter develops Pax6
Chamber angle completes formation FOXC1, FOXC2
Hyaloid vessels regress JNK3 , p-EphrinB/SHP2 complex p-STAT1, p-EphrinB
Retinal vessels reach periphery VEGF
Optic nerve myelination complete to lamina cribrosa Olig1 , Olig2 Arp2/3
Pupillary membrane disappears JNK3 , p-EphrinB/SHP2 complex p-STAT1, p-EphrinB

Eye embryogenesis

Early vertebrate eye formation follows a conserved sequence of events. Following gastrulation, the eye field is specified in the anterior neural plate extending across the midline. Studies in vertebrate model systems indicate that eye specification is defined by discrete and overlapping expression domains of different transcription factors (TFs) (see Table 2.1 ). The eye field transcription factors (EFTF) include: Otx2 , Tbx3 , Rax , Pax6 , Six3 , Six6 , Lhx2 , and Nr2e1 . Rax is the EFTF most used as a marker of the eye field ( Fig. 2.1 ). Mutations in the human Rax gene are a rare cause of human microphthalmia. Otx2 is the earliest molecular delineator of the eye field and mutations in Otx2 cause severe ocular malformations in humans. The eye field must split in the midline to form two separate eyes. Both Shh and Six3 are critical regulators of eye field bifurcation. Following splitting of the eye field, the first morphological landmarks are bilateral indentations (optic sulci or pits) in the cranial end of embryonic neural folds at approximately 22 days.

Fig. 2.1, Eye field specification, splitting, and patterning. Splitting the eye field: (A) The eye field (ef) is a virtual structure that forms within the neural field (nf) on the dorsum of the early embryo. (B) A section through the eye field shows it to be a plate of neuroepithelial cells spanning the midline and overlying a structure called the prechordal mesenchyme (PCM), which is a rostral continuation of the notochord. Expression of a group of eye field transcription factors (EFTF) mark the eye field at this stage. (C) Sonic hedgehog (SHH) signaling via GLI2 from the PCM acts to inhibit expression of the EFTF in the midline and split the eye field. (D) SHH also acts to pattern the now bilateral eye field into the medial presumptive optic stalk (purple) and the more lateral presumptive neural retina (green). At this stage, most of the surface ectoderm is competent to produce a lens vesicle (blue). Yellow=ventral forebrain.

Following the establishment of the two eye primordia, the optic vesicle (OV) precursor cells continue migrating, initiating vesicle evagination. A subset of eye field transcription factors, including Rax and Pax6 , control OV evagination and formation (see Fig. 2.1 ). The OVs are connected to the forebrain by the optic stalk (a short tube that eventually forms the optic nerve) ( Fig. 2.2A–B ).

Fig. 2.2, Patterning the lens, retina, and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). (A) Optic vesicle formation by evagination on the lateral wall of the diencephalon. The optic stalk connects the optic vesicle to the forebrain (9.5 days gestation (DG) mouse≈22 DG human). (B) The formation of the lens requires signaling between the surface ectoderm and the optic vesicle to form the lens placode. (C) Optic vesicle invagination and invagination of the lens pit and bilayered optic cup forming from invaginated optic vesicle (late day 10.5 DG mouse≈32 DG human). (D) The optic stalk (OS) is patterned by induction of PAX2 via SHH. LHX2 induces expression of BMP4 in the presumptive neural retina (PNR), which in turn induces SOX2 expression in the surface ectoderm. This triggers a cascade of transcription factor expression in the lens placode to induce lens vesicle formation. Bmp4 also induces expression of TBX5. A complex network of transcription factors act by induction and repression to form boundaries between the optic stalk and PNR, and PNR and RPE. Yellow = dorsal wall of diencephalon and presumptive RPE; green = PNR; blue = lens vesicle; purple = ventral optic stalk and presumptive RPE; orange = tip of optic cup.

Eye organogenesis (4th to 8th week gestation, human)

Organogenesis requires precise interactions between a developing tissue and its environment. In vertebrates, the developing eye is surrounded by a complex extracellular matrix as well as multiple mesenchymal cell populations. Disruptions to either the matrix or periocular mesenchyme can cause defects in early eye development.

Fourth week

Following evagination of the OVs, interaction between the OVs and surface ectoderm (SE) induces the lens placodes, and the wall of the OV in contact with the surface ectoderm also thickens to form the retinal disc ( Fig. 2.2C–D ). Towards the end of the 4th week a process of invagination begins to transform the OV into the optic cup (OC). Concurrently, the primordia of the extraocular muscles appear as condensations in the periocular mesenchyme.

The midline gradient of Shh signaling also differentiates the optic stalk (OS) from the optic cup. Shh induces expression of the optic stalk markers, Pax2, Vax1, and Vax2 ( Fig. 2.2D ). Reciprocal transcriptional repression between Pax2 and Pax6 creates a boundary demarcating the future optic stalk region and the presumptive neural retina. Pax2 expression is a marker of the presumptive optic stalk and Pax6 a marker of the presumptive neural retina ( Fig. 2.2D ). The transcription factors Foxc1 and Pitx2 in the periocular mesenchyme (POM) also play key roles in OC morphogenesis.

Disruptions in these early steps lead to severe congenital anomalies, including absent eyes (anophthalmia), small eyes (microphthalmia), and optic fissure closure defects (coloboma).

Fifth week

Further invagination of the OV to form the OC predominates in the 5th week. Invagination involves the retinal disc, lens plate, and the ventrocaudal wall of the optic vesicle ( Fig. 2.2C–D ). A critical developmental step is the patterning of the dividing OV progenitor cells to establish dorsal–ventral, nasal–temporal, and distal–proximal identity. The establishment of these molecular boundaries directs the OC to regionalize along several axes: dorsal–ventral, anterior (cornea)–posterior (retinal pigment epithelium, RPE), OS (ventral) nasal–temporal, and central (central neural retina)–peripheral (ciliary epithelium). Shh, retinoic acid (RA), and bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) are the key factors in patterning the developing OV. Bmp4 is expressed in the distal OV and subsequently within dorsal regions of the OC. The midline gradient of Shh signaling differentiates the OS from the OC through induction of the OS markers, Pax2, Vax1, and Vax2 ( Fig. 2.2D ).

Networks of transcription factors act by induction and repression to form the boundaries between the OS, RPE, and the presumptive neural retina (PNR). Key transcription factors include Pax2 , Pax6 , Vax1 , Vax2 , Tbx2 , Tbx3 , Tbx5 , Vsx2 , and Mitf . The establishment of these molecular boundaries is vital for subsequent steps in eye formation, as different regions of the OV give rise to the RPE (dorsal), OS (ventral), and PNR ( Fig. 2.2D ).

Invagination of the retinal disc of the OV leads to formation of the inner layer of the OC which becomes the PNR, while the external layer of the OC is the forerunner of the RPE ( Fig. 2.2D ). The OC is not continuous and forms a fold inferiorly and ventrally that is continuous with the OS. This fold is called the embryonic (optic) fissure.

Lens development from the lens placode is controlled by signals emanating from both the OV (positive) and periocular mesenchyme (POM) (negative). This occurs along the head surface ectoderm through Pax6 inhibition by TGFβ/Smad3 and Wnt/beta-catenin signaling from the POM to the ectoderm.

The lens pit deepens to become the lens vesicle. This occurs synchronously with optic cup invagination ( Fig. 2.2C–D ). The lens placode cells constrict apically leading to lens vesicle separation from the surface ectoderm which will become the corneal epithelium. The resulting lens vesicle is relatively large and fills the OC ( Fig. 2.3 ). Two key regulators of lens development are Pitx3 and Foxe3 . Pitx3 expression in the lens placode is more refined than Foxe3 but becomes expressed throughout the lens vesicle and is another key regulator of lens development.

Fig. 2.3, Gene regulatory networks (GRN) in optic fissure closure, retina, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and lens development. (A) Optic fissure closure, lens vesicle formation, and primary vitreous (12.5 days gestation (DG) mouse≈44 DG human) with overlay of core gene networks (GRNs) during optic cup patterning and early retinal differentiation. The outer layer of the optic cup gives rise to the RPE, while the inner layer gives rise to the neural retina. (B) Core GRNs specifying the distinct retinal progenitors. (C) Parasaggital section of mouse eye just prior to fissure closure with overlay of key transcription factors including those regulating apoptosis in optic fissure closure (opo, vertebrate-specific transmembrane protein). (D) Core GRN specifying optic nerve precursors highlighting the key transcription factors that interact between presumptive neural retina and RPE during the transition of the optic stalk to the optic nerve. Green = neural retina; purple = RPE and optic stalk.

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