General information

Cianidanol is an antioxidant flavonoid that occurs especially in woody plants. It is one constituent of green tea. It has immunomodulatory properties, including effects on T lymphocytes and killer cells [ ].

Of 40 patients with chronic active hepatitis, 22 took cianidanol 3 g/day and 18 took placebo [ ]. Adverse reactions to cianidanol were fever (n = 4), hemolysis (n = 1), and urticaria (n = 1).

Serious adverse reactions were not observed when cianidanol was used to treat HBe-antigen-positive chronic hepatitis in 338 patients [ ]. The only adverse reaction of note that appeared to be drug-related was transient pyrexia in 13, necessitating withdrawal of therapy in eight. Four patients also had a skin eruption.

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