Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

General information

The carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, of which acetazolamide, a non-competitive inhibitor, is the prototype, are not suitable for normal diuretic use, because tolerance soon develops. However, they are well suited to brief intermittent use, particularly in the relief of glaucoma and in the prevention of acute mountain sickness. Acetazolamide and methazolamide should be used with caution in the long-term control of glaucoma because of its serious systemic adverse effects. However, brinzolamide and dorzolamide are available for long-term topical administration.

The safety profile and efficacy of 2% dorzolamide hydrochloride (Trusopt) eye-drops have been evaluated. It was as effective as pilocarpine 2% and its ocular hypotensive efficacy was comparable with that of betaxolol 0.5%. The patients reported less interference with quality of life with dorzolamide than pilocarpine, particularly in regard to limitations in their ability to drive, read, and perform moderate activities. Long-term use was not associated with important electrolyte disturbances or the systemic effects commonly observed with oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors [ ].

In a 3-month prospective study of the adverse effects and efficacy of topical dorzolamide in 39 patients intolerant of systemic carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, the effect on mean intraocular pressure was similar to that of acetazolamide, and health assessment scores improved significantly in seven of the eight categories of the SF-36 health assessment questionnaire used to evaluate changes in well-being and quality of life [ ]. There were no adverse effects with the switch in medication.

General adverse effects and adverse reactions

Symptoms of depression, confusion, fatigue, impotence, irritability, malaise, nervousness, and weight loss are often present to some extent in patients taking long-term acetazolamide or methazolamide. These symptoms may be related to systemic metabolic acidosis (due to renal excretion of bicarbonate), which is often accompanied by a reduction in serum potassium concentration [ ]. Gastrointestinal intolerance, manifested as abdominal cramping, dyspepsia, and nausea, with or without diarrhea, is another common problem. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors reduce the urinary excretion of citrate and uric acid, which may lead to renal calculi and gouty arthritis. Pulmonary edema, taste disorders, and alopecia have also been reported. The most serious adverse effect of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors is bone-marrow depression.

Drug studies

Comparative studies

In 56 patients with glaucoma (28 men and 28 women, 22 with normal-tension glaucoma and 34 with primary open-angle glaucoma) who had used dorzolamide 1% eye drops tds for at least 3 months, an open switch to twice-daily 1% brinzolamide was associated with fewer local adverse effects [ ]. The mean ocular comfort scores were 1.1 dorzolamide and 0.2 for brinzolamide. At 1 month after switching, 50 patients said that they preferred brinzolamide. The local adverse effects after switching to brinzolamide were stinging (n = 3), blurred vision (2), superficial punctate keratopathy (2), the sensation of a foreign body (1), dryness (1), and hyperemia (1); the only systemic adverse effect was a disturbance of taste sensation in one patient.

Organs and systems


Anaphylactic shock has been reported after a single oral dose of acetazolamide [ ].

  • 70-year-old man was given acetazolamide 250 mg to control postoperative intravascular pressure 5 hours after cataract removal under local anesthetic. Thirty minutes later he complained of nausea, became cyanotic, and had an acute respiratory arrest. His systolic blood pressure was 70 mmHg, his heart rate was 180/minute, and there was tachypnea (40/minute). Arterial gases confirmed hypoxemia (PaO 2 6.34 kPa, 47 mmHg). Pulmonary embolism and high-pressure pulmonary edema were excluded by perfusion lung scanning and heart catheterization. Management was with ventilatory support, vasopressors, intravenous hydrocortisone, and diphenhydramine. Clinical improvement occurred over 12 hours. After stabilization, sulfonamide hypersensitivity was confirmed by skin testing, suggesting cross-sensitivity with a sulfonamide derivative (acetazolamide).

Physicians should be aware of the risk of anaphylaxis to acetazolamide, particularly in patients with a history of allergy to sulfonamides.

Nervous system

A case of possible Gerstmann syndrome has been attributed to acetazolamide [ ].

  • A 60-year-old woman became acutely confused 2 days after the removal of a cataract. She had long-standing diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and ischemic heart disease. There had been a minor stroke with complete recovery 2 years before. Her medication included aspirin, indapamide, enalapril, and oral hypoglycemic agents. Acetazolamide 500 mg bd was added shortly after her eye operation. Neurological examination showed finger agnosia, nominal and receptive dysphasia, acalculia, astereognosis, and left–right disorientation. Other systems were normal. Withdrawal of acetazolamide resulted in rapid improvement with no residual neurological signs two days after admission.

Acetazolamide toxicity was suspected, because of the temporal association between drug treatment and the onset of the neurological symptoms, together with metabolic acidosis. Gerstmann syndrome is usually due to an acute stroke. Although a brain CT scan was negative, such an event was likely in this patient, who had a history of cerebrovascular disease and multiple risk factors, and a causal relation to acetazolamide must be considered tenuous.

Acetazolamide typically causes increased cerebral blood flow as a result of vasodilatation. In patients with stenosis or occlusion of cerebral vessels, perfusion pressure drops and cerebral autoregulatory mechanisms are called into play to maintain cerebral blood flow. In such patients, cerebral blood flow may not increase appropriately after acetazolamide, and it may redistribute, potentially stealing blood from areas that are liable to underperfusion injury (stroke).

  • A 62-year-old woman with symptoms compatible with vertebral artery disease underwent a CT perfusion scan in anticipation of possible vertebral artery bypass [ ]. She underwent a routine unenhanced CT scan, followed by dynamic enhanced perfusion CT before and after intravenous administration of acetazolamide 1000 mg. Almost immediately she noted dizziness and perioral numbness and shortly thereafter slurred speech and ataxia. Her symptoms resolved entirely within 24 hours without any therapy. It was thought that she had had a transient ischemic attack possibly related to a steal phenomenon.

In this case, the shift in regional cerebral blood flow produced by acetazolamide resulted in significant underperfusion. Patients with significant cerebrovascular disease should be monitored carefully when they are given acetazolamide.

Acetazolamide is used to reduce the frequency of attacks of ataxia in patients with episodic ataxia type 2. However, the metabolic acidosis that acetazolamide causes can result in nervous system complications [ ].

  • A 49-year-old man with episodic ataxia type 2 responded to acetazolamide 250 mg qds. However, during an attack of ataxia he developed gaze-evoked nystagmus, positional nystagmus, dysarthria, and aggravated gait ataxia; he was also excessively drowsy and unable to speak unless subjected to painful stimuli. Imaging studies and laboratory data were normal, except for hyperammonemia (1.58 mg/l, reference range 0.08–0.48 mg/l) and a compensated metabolic acidosis. Acetazolamide was continued, but 3 days later the ammonia concentration increased to 6.6 mg/l, with worsening of the ataxia and dysarthria. Acetazolamide was withdrawn, and within 10 days his symptoms had almost completely resolved and the serum ammonia concentration had fallen to 1.22 mg/l.

This is the first report of ataxia secondary to acetazolamide-induced hyperammonemia in a patient with episodic ataxia type 2. Acetazolamide increases the renal production of NH3, and the consequent metabolic acidosis can cause hyperammonemia. Acetazolamide should therefore be used cautiously in patients with a history of hepatic or renal disease (conditions that predispose to hyperammonemia).

Metabolic acidosis due to acetazolamide causes increased minute ventilation, which can cause increased intracranial pressure and result in neurological complications [ ].

  • A 19-year-old woman with postoperative bilateral raised intracranial pressure was given intravenous acetazolamide 500 mg followed by 250 mg every 6 hours. After 3 days she developed a metabolic acidosis (serum HCO 3 18 mmol/l), which was attributed to acetazolamide. The metabolic acidosis progressed over the next 3 days (HCO 3 15 mmol/l) with appropriate hypocapnia (PaCO 2 3.2–3.6 kPa). After 6 days she became agitated, and a propofol infusion was begun, but her mechanical respiratory rate was not increased to maintain her prior hypocapnia. After 5 hours her PaCO 2 was 4.7 kPa and her arterial pH was 7.26. She developed extreme hypertension and a tachycardia. A CT scan of the brain showed cerebral edema, brain stem herniation, and bilateral watershed infarcts. At post mortem there were multiple fat emboli in the brain and lungs.

The use of acetazolamide in the presence of unrecognized cerebral edema due to fat embolism, with sudden normalization of brain CO 2 , as occurred in this patient when her previous state of hypocapnia was no longer sustained by ventilatory effort, resulted in cerebral acidosis, vasodilatation, and a further increase in intracranial pressure. This proved catastrophic and led to brainstem herniation and brain death. Acetazolamide should be avoided if at all possible in patients with bony and traumatic brain injuries, particularly during weaning from mechanical ventilation, since it can precipitate coning in patients with raised intracranial pressure.

Sensory systems


In a multicenter, double-blind, prospective, parallel-group comparison of brinzolamide 1.0% bd or tds, dorzolamide 2.0% tds, and timolol 0.5% bd in 572 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension, the three drugs were equally effective [ ]. Brinzolamide 1.0% caused less ocular discomfort (burning and stinging) (bd 1.8%; tds 3.0%) than dorzolamide (16%).

  • A 68-year-old woman developed bilateral marginal keratitis 2 weeks after starting to use dorzolamide eye-drops [ ]. One week after withdrawal she was asymptomatic, with complete resolution of her corneal infiltrates.

In this case the allergic reaction was caused by dorzolamide hydrochloride and not the preservative, benzalkonium chloride, since therapy was uneventfully continued with timolol maleate, which also contains benzalkonium chloride as a preservative. This is the first report of this phenomenon with a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor.

Acetazolamide-induced transient myopia and angle closure glaucoma can occur in patients without glaucoma [ ].

  • A 66-year-old man with chronic open-angle glaucoma underwent routine left cataract surgery and intraocular lens implantation. He was given oral acetazolamide 250 mg the evening before and immediately after surgery and 3 hours later developed severe left eye pain. He had corneal edema, a uniformly shallow anterior chamber, and an intraocular pressure of 52 mmHg. The right eye showed circumcorneal congestion, corneal edema, and an intraocular pressure of 40 mmHg. He was treated with intravenous mannitol, oral acetazolamide, intraocular timolol, ofloxacin, and dexamethasone. After 24 hours the corneal edema and shallow anterior chamber persisted, with an intraocular pressure of 32 mmHg in each eye. Acetazolamide was withdrawn. Ultrasound showed bilateral choroidal effusions and intravenous dexamethasone was begun. On day 5, all ocular signs had resolved and the intraocular pressure was 18 mmHg bilaterally.

Angle closure glaucoma has been reported as an adverse effect of acetazolamide. It has been suggested that this relates to an induced forward shift of the crystalline lens in addition to ciliary body edema. Although glucocorticoids have been reported to cause choroidal effusions, an exaggeration of this phenomenon by the combination of a glucocorticoid and acetazolamide has not been previously reported.

Dorzolamide eye-drops can cause irreversible corneal edema in patients with glaucoma and endothelial compromise [ ]. Topical brinzolamide has also been associated with corneal edema [ , ].

  • A 57-year-old man with glaucoma used a 1% solution of brinzolamide in both eyes for 24 months and developed bilateral corneal edema, which resolved 1 week after withdrawal of brinzolamide and the addition of topical prednisolone acetate.

  • A 77-year-old man with glaucoma used a 1% solution of brinzolamide in his right eye for 15 months and developed right corneal edema. Brinzolamide was withdrawn and the corneal edema gradually resolved over 3 months.

There has been a limited number of previous case reports of resolution of corneal edema with brinzolamide. When corneal edema occurs with brinzolamide immediate withdrawal of therapy, with or without the use of topical glucocorticoids, can lead to complete resolution.

Eyes that have not undergone surgery have not been reported to undergo choroidal detachment with topical hypotensive agents.

  • A 76-year-old woman with a 7-year history of open-angle glaucoma presented with distorted visual acuity after applying two doses of dorzolamide eye-drops 2% bd to both eyes [ ]. Other systemic medications included hydrochlorothiazide and verapamil. There was a peripheral choroidal detachment in the left eye, which completely resolved 1 week after withdrawal of dorzolamide together with topical glucocorticoid therapy.

In this case, the systemic hydrochlorothiazide may have sensitized the choroidal epithelium sufficiently to result in aqueous fluid shutdown.


Brinzolamide eye-drops can cause transient blurred vision [ ].


Anosmia has been attributed to topical dorzolamide [ ].

  • A 49-year-old man with glaucoma was given 2% dorzolamide in addition to timolol. After 1 month he developed reduced smell and after 2 months anosmia. Dorzolamide was withdrawn and latanoprost substituted. His sense of smell returned to normal within 20 days. Rechallenge with several different glaucoma medications resulted in recurrence of the anosmia whenever dorzolamide was used.

Carbonic anhydrase exists in multiple forms in the nasal mucosa, where its inhibition may have resulted in anosmia. However, the absence of previous reports of anosmia with dorzolamide suggests a patient-specific isoenzyme variability/susceptibility to carbonic anhydrase inhibition.


Acetazolamide can cause altered taste perception of carbonated drinks. The mechanism is unknown, but carbonic drinks may be a source of high concentrations of carbonic acid, which are reduced by carbonic anhydrase activity [ ].


Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis occurs only occasionally in Caucasians, but for unknown reasons it can be worsened by acetazolamide [ ].

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