Callosal Dysgenesis



  • Partial or complete absence of corpus callosum (CC), hippocampal commissure, or anterior commissure (AC); can be isolated or associated with additional cerebral malformations

  • Spectrum of congenital CC structural abnormalities

    • Total agenesis (absence from birth of all anatomically defined regions of CC)

    • Partial agenesis (absence from birth of at least 1, but not all, regions of CC)

    • Hypoplasia (thinner CC with normal anteroposterior extent)

    • Hyperplasia (thick CC resulting from decreased postnatal axonal pruning)

    • Dysgenesis (CC present but malformed in some way, including partial AC and hypoplasia of CC)


  • Absent corpus callosum on sagittal, coronal views

  • Atrium/occipital horns often dilated (colpocephaly)

  • DTI: Callosal fiber tracts form Probst bundles instead of crossing, where corpus callosum is absent

  • Vertical/posterior course of anterior cerebral artery


  • Most common feature seen in CNS malformations (> 130 syndromes)

  • May be complete or variably partial

  • May have interhemispheric dysplasia: Meningeal cysts, lipomas

Clinical Issues

  • Any age; classically identified in early childhood, most common malformation found in fetuses

  • Seizures, developmental delay, cranial deformity/hypertelorism

  • Sporadic/isolated agenesis/dysgenesis corpus callosum: Normal/near normal at 3 years (75%), but subtle cognitive defects apparent with increasing complexity of school tasks

  • Agenesis/dysgenesis CC with associated/syndromic anomalies = worst

Diagnostic Checklist

  • Look for absent/incomplete CC rather than indirect signs

  • Fully assess for associated lesions

Coronal graphic shows a lack of transverse corpus callosum and separate lateral ventricles. The interhemispheric fissure extends to the 3rd ventricle. The bundles of Probst
contain the parasagittally rerouted callosal fibers.

Coronal T2WI with callosal dysgenesis shows Viking helmet or moose head appearance of widely separated lateral ventricles
. The very hypointense white matter tracts medial to the lateral ventricles are the Probst bundles
. Note the heterotopic GM

Sagittal T2WI in the same patient shows absence of the corpus callosum, radially oriented gyri converging on a high-riding 3rd ventricle. Note the azygous anterior cerebral artery
. The anterior commissure is also absent.

Axial T2WI in the same case shows the characteristic parallel, nonconverging lateral ventricles
seen in corpus callosum agenesis. Heavily myelinated Probst bundles
are seen just medial to the lateral ventricles.



  • Agenesis/dysgenesis corpus callosum (ACC)


  • Callosal agenesis/dysgenesis, commissural agenesis/dysgenesis


  • Partial or complete absence of corpus callosum (CC), hippocampal commissure (HC), or anterior commissure (AC); can be isolated or associated with additional cerebral malformations

  • Spectrum of congenital CC structural abnormalities

    • Total agenesis (absence from birth of all anatomically defined regions of CC)

    • Partial agenesis (absence from birth of at least 1, but not all, regions of CC)

    • Hypoplasia (thinner CC with normal anteroposterior extent)

    • Hyperplasia (thick CC resulting from decreased postnatal axonal pruning)

    • Dysgenesis (CC present but malformed in some way, including partial ACC and hypoplasia of CC)


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