Wall & Melzack's Textbook of Pain

Spinal Cord Plasticity and Pain

SUMMARY Clinically relevant forms of pain cannot be fully understood without appreciating the various forms of plasticity that develop in the spinal dorsal horn after injury or with disease. All major components of the spinal cord nociceptive network are subject…

Neuroanatomical Substrates of Spinal Nociception

SUMMARY The spinal dorsal horn receives input from a wide variety of primary afferent axons, including nociceptors , which respond to tissue-damaging stimuli from the skin, muscles, joints, and viscera. The patterns of termination of primary afferents within the spinal…

Inflammatory Mediators and Modulators of Pain

SUMMARY Disease and injury frequently result in pain and hyperalgesia. These abnormal sensory events arise in part from the action of inflammatory mediators on the peripheral terminals of nociceptive neurons. In this chapter we begin by reviewing the different ways…

Molecular Biology of Sensory Transduction

SUMMARY The perception of pain arising from a noxious stimulus starts with conversion of the energy of the stimulus into an electrical signal in the primary afferent neurons innervating the site of the stimulus. This process of energy conversion is…

Peripheral Mechanisms of Cutaneous Nociception

SUMMARY Nociceptors are a specialized class of primary afferents that respond to intense, noxious stimuli. Unmyelinated nociceptors signal the burning pain from intense heat stimuli applied to the glabrous skin of the hand, as well as the pain from sustained…