Ultrasound: The Requisites


The adnexa are composed of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, blood vessels, and supporting tissues such as the broad ligaments. The ovaries are a key component of the pelvic ultrasound examination, but it is also important to assess the surrounding tissues.…

Pelvis and Uterus

Ultrasound is the modality of choice for the initial imaging assessment of the female pelvis in most settings. This chapter focuses on the sonographic evaluation of the pelvis, with particular attention to the uterus. Chapter 24 covers the ultrasound examination…

Multiple Gestations

Ultrasound plays an important role in the assessment of women carrying multiple gestations. Sonography is used to evaluate the number of gestations; characterize the type of twinning; assess fetal anatomy, growth, and complications; and guide diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. As…

Placenta, Umbilical Cord, and Cervix

Placenta Evaluation of the placenta, umbilical cord, and cervix is an important component of the second and third trimester obstetrical ultrasound examination. Ultrasound facilitates assessment of placental location and appearance, relationship of the placenta to the cervix, umbilical cord insertion,…

Fetal Musculoskeletal System

The standard obstetrical ultrasound examination delineated in the ACR-ACOG-AIUM-SRU Practice Parameter for the Performance of Obstetrical Ultrasound incorporates imaging of the fetal musculoskeletal system, including the femur length (FL); the calvarium during measurement of the biparietal diameter and head circumference;…

Fetal Genitourinary Tract

The standard second and third trimester fetal ultrasound examination includes evaluation of the kidneys, urinary bladder, and amniotic fluid volume. A significant abnormality of both kidneys or of the urinary bladder can result in oligohydramnios. Cyclical changes in the size…

Fetal Gastrointestinal Tract

The standard obstetrical ultrasound examination delineated in the ACR-ACOG-AIUM-SRU Practice Parameter for the Performance of Obstetrical Ultrasound incorporates imaging of the fetal gastrointestinal system, including the stomach (presence, size, and situs) and umbilical cord insertion site into the fetal abdomen.…

Fetal Thorax

The practice guideline for the standard obstetrical ultra­sound examination identifies the four-chamber, left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT), and right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) views as the minimum components in evaluation of the heart. Additional views are incorporated during dedicated fetal…

Fetal Central Nervous System, Face, and Neck

Central nervous system (CNS) abnormalities are among the most common congenital anomalies. A systematic evaluation of the head and spine should be performed to include, at a minimum, the following structures listed in the practice guideline for the standard obstetrical…