Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Video 46.1 Introduction to Chapter 46, Ethics and Malpractice in Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery. Ethical Issues Optimizing Informed Consent One of the central ethical challenges for surgeons is to ensure that patients have given adequate informed consent before having an…
Video 45.1 Introduction to Chapter 45, Quality Assessment in Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery. Increasing focus has been placed on the quality of care physicians and hospitals provide to ensure excellent health outcomes for their patients. Thyroid and parathyroid operations are…
Introduction Thyroid and parathyroid operations rank among the most common procedures performed by endocrine surgeons and are generally considered low-risk procedures. Yet, complications occur even when surgery is performed by experienced surgeons. Endocrine neck surgery mandates adherence to certain core…
Video 43.1 Vocal Fold Augmentation Using Transcricothyroid Membrane Submucosal Approach. Introduction Alteration in the function of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) is an unfortunate and sometimes unavoidable consequence of thyroid surgery. It may result from errors in surgical technique or…
Introduction Laryngeal nerve injury is a serious complication of thyroid surgery. Unilateral injury impairs the voice and, occasionally, swallowing. Bilateral injury can result in life-threatening airway obstruction. Symptoms vary greatly over time and between patients, depending on the site and…
Introduction Most surgical thyroid disease involves lesions that produce thyroid enlargement—sometimes diffuse but usually nodular. This chapter will discuss lesions of the thyroid that produce nodules. We will describe and discuss the pathologic features of these lesions as well as…
Video 40.1 Introduction to Chapter 40, Incisions in Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery. Introduction Among endocrine surgeries, thyroidectomy remains a demanding procedure because of the specific patient population, the decreasing surgical morbidity, and increasing patient expectations. Patients now seek safe surgery…
Video 39.1 Lateral Neck Dissection for Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. The incidence of thyroid cancer has been increasing over the past few decades, and although the majority of cases are localized to the thyroid, the number of patients with lateral neck…
Video 38.1 Introduction to Chapter 38, Central Neck Dissection: Indications and Technique. Video 38.2 Central Compartment Dissection. Introduction Central lymph node metastasis is very common in differentiated thyroid cancers, especially in papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs). Although therapeutic central neck dissection…
Video 37.1 Tracheal Resection for Locally Advanced Carcinoma of the Thyroid Gland. Invasive thyroid cancer is defined as a disease that extends outside of the thyroid gland or outside the capsule of metastatic nodes to involve adjacent structures. Several decades…