Practical Management of Pain

Mechanism-Based Treatment and Precision Medicine

Introduction The advancement of pain medicine is driven by the continual search for new and innovative solutions to a wide range of chronic pain conditions that affect more than 50 million Americans. An important approach is to better understand the…

Psychosocial and Psychiatric Aspects of Chronic Pain

Introduction When a patient presents to a healthcare provider with a symptom of pain, the initial focus is on the patient’s medical history and the underlying pathology—a search to identify the “broken body part” that once identified is treated to…

Pharmacogenetics in Pain Management

Case13.1 A 58-year-old Asian-American male with no other significant past medical history presents to the clinic with acute herpes zoster in the left T4 dermatome. The patient endorsed severe localized pain and tactile allodynia associated with a vesicular eruption. After…

Neuroimaging Techniques

Introduction Pain, defined as the conscious subjective experience associated with real or potential tissue damage, is a product of coordinated activity across large portions of the brain. In contrast, the concept of nociception refers to the objective neural processes triggered…

Neurochemistry of Nociception

Origins of the Pain Phenotype For heuristic purposes, we can distinguish the three mechanistically distinct sources of a pain state: (1) high intensity stimulation, (2) local tissue injury and products released secondary to injury and inflammation, and (3) injury to…

Education, Training, and Certification in Pain Medicine

The Evolution of Pain Medicine as a Subspecialty As medical knowledge expands, there is a natural progression toward specialization. No physician can become an expert in every field, yet there is discomfort with this inevitable narrowing of focus. The urge…