Netter's Sports Medicine

Exercise in the Cold and Cold Injuries

General Principles Physiology of Cold Exposure Mechanisms of Heat Loss Radiation Radiation involves the direct emission or absorption of heat energy from the body (mostly infrared radiation). Radiation is the largest source of heat loss from the body. Clothed, sedentary…

Exercise in the Heat and Heat Illness

Heat Production Exercise: The Body’s Furnace Caused by the Inefficiency of Work The body utilizes energy in the form of energy-rich chemical compounds to maintain normal function ( Fig. 21.1 ) and is inefficient; most reactions produce heat. Resting Heat…


General Principles The term flexibility is often used as a synonym for range of motion (ROM) around a joint. Both muscles and ligaments can limit ROM. Mobility refers to a limited ROM because of ligaments; flexibility is usually reserved to…

Resistance Training

General Principles Resistance training is the most potent form of exercise to strengthen tissues and help prevent injury and improve sports performance. Appropriately prescribed and implemented resistance training programs are necessary to achieve these goals. The size principle of motor…

Aerobic Training

Introduction In the early days of sporting events, coaches and athletes learned through trial and error that they could not simultaneously develop maximal endurance and maximal power. They found that by first establishing an aerobic endurance base and later adding…

Exercise Prescription and Physiology

Exercise Physiology Science of processes and mechanisms of skeletal muscle contraction and the corresponding interaction of other body systems that facilitate and respond to skeletal muscle contraction. Skeletal muscle contraction that exceeds physiologic limits, is inappropriate in duration or intensity,…

The Wilderness Athlete and Adventurer

Introduction Wilderness sports differ from traditional sports in several ways. Participation levels of athletes may vary: professional, sponsored, and paid athletes; athletic individuals and adventurers; and intermittent recreational participants. The setting of wilderness sports is often austere, remote, and not…

The Athlete With Physical Disability

General Considerations Definitions Physically challenged, physically disabled, and “disabled” athletes are terms often used to collectively refer to all groups of athletes competing in international competitions such as Paralympics and have an impairment that limits their ability to participate in…

The Senior Athlete

General Considerations Demographics It is widely accepted that the average life expectancy continues to increase; as it does, the proportion of older adults in the population also increases. In Western industrialized countries, the average life expectancy increased from 47 years…