Multimodal Imaging Atlas of Cardiac Masses

Contrast echocardiography in cardiac masses

Key points Newer echocardiographic techniques may provide incremental information to help characterize cardiac masses. Myocardial contrast echocardiography allows an improved definition of intracavity structures and an assessment of vascularity. The difference in the perfusion of cardiac masses may help distinguish…

Infectious lesions mimicking cardiac masses

Key points Vegetations are oscillating or nonoscillating intracardiac masses on the valves or other endocardial structures or intracardiac implanted materials. Vegetations are typically located on the upstream side of the valves, are usually irregularly and grotesquely shaped, and exhibit disordered…

Electrocardiography and cardio-oncology

Key points Baseline ECG in any cardiac or extracardiac tumors is mandatory since therapeutic side effects of chemotherapy on heart are proven. Comprehensive understanding of the cardiac effect of anticancer agents is mandatory to predict side effects and prevent irreversible…

Multimodality imaging for diagnosis of cardiac masses

Key Points Cardiac tumors are being rare, but form an important component of cardio-oncology practice in which diagnosis and management are vital. Tumors encompass a broad set of lesions and/or masses that can be categorized as neoplastic or nonneoplastic. Neoplastic…