McKee's Pathology of the Skin

Vascular diseases

Introduction Vasculitis and other forms of vascular damage are the subjects of this chapter. Although minimal criteria for the diagnosis of vasculitis may differ among experts, the presence of inflammation and some evidence of vascular damage in the form of…

Neutrophilic and eosinophilic dermatoses

Pyoderma gangrenosum Clinical features Pyoderma gangrenosum is an uncommon disease of obscure etiology. It appears to be somewhat more common in women and, although it may occur at any age, most patients are in their fourth or fifth decade. Presentation…

Cutaneous adverse reactions to drugs

Adverse Drug Reactions – Introduction Adverse drug reactions are unintended and undesired effects of drugs used for prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of disease. In light of the ever-increasing number of medications available, it should come as no surprise that such…

Degenerative and metabolic diseases

The hyperlipidemias The hyperlipidemias may present as cutaneous xanthomata, which are localized aggregates of histiocytes containing accumulated lipid (primarily free and esterified cholesterol), in the form of five main clinical types: eruptive, tendinous, tuberous, planar, disseminated. The last, xanthoma disseminatum,…

Diseases of the anogenital skin

Introduction This section concerns itself principally with dermatological disorders specific to the anogenital skin. Many of the dermatological conditions that present in the skin elsewhere sometimes affect the anogenital area although this site may be one of predilection. Clinical and…

Diseases of the oral mucosa

Introduction Oral and maxillofacial pathology is the specialty of dentistry that is involved in the histopathological and clinical diagnosis, as well as management of diseases of the oral mucosa and supporting bone and soft tissues, teeth, salivary glands, lip vermilion,…

Inflammatory diseases of the subcutaneous fat

Inflammatory diseases of the subcutaneous fat are a source of considerable confusion and often cause diagnostic difficulty to clinicians and pathologists alike. This stems in part from the use of classifications and clinical descriptions based on time-honored but outdated literature.…

Granulomatous, necrobiotic and perforating dermatoses

Sarcoidosis Clinical features Sarcoidosis (Gr. sarkos , flesh; eidos , form), so named because its histologic features were originally thought to resemble a sarcoma (Boeck), is a common systemic disease of unknown etiology. It is characterized and defined by the…

Superficial and deep perivascular inflammatory dermatoses

Chronic superficial dermatitis Clinical features Chronic superficial dermatitis (digitate dermatosis, superficial scaly dermatitis, small-plaque parapsoriasis, persistent superficial dermatitis) is a not uncommon condition, which presents as erythematous scaly persistent patches, showing a predilection for the limbs and trunk. While the…

Lichenoid and interface dermatitis

The term ‘lichenoid’ refers to inflammatory dermatoses which are characterized by a bandlike lymphohistiocytic infiltrate in the upper dermis, hugging and often obscuring the dermal–epidermal interface. Lichen planus is the prototypic lichenoid dermatitis ( Box 7.1 ). Interface dermatitis refers…