Imaging in Spine Surgery

Normal Postoperative Change: Epidural Space

KEY FACTS Terminology Peridural fibrosis Some degree of peridural fibrosis along margin of thecal sac is typical finding following discectomy Edema and tissue disruption at discectomy site particularly conspicuous in first 6 weeks postoperatively Can simulate disc residual/recurrent disc herniation…

Normal Postoperative Change: Disc Space

KEY FACTS Terminology Substantial imaging overlap in routine early postoperative findings vs. surgical complications Early postoperative imaging not routinely obtained Edema, granulation tissue at operative site may simulate residual/recurrent disc herniation Marrow changes and fluid associated with intervertebral fusion may…

Measurement Techniques

Terminology Radiographic measurement techniques, skull base craniometry, skull base lines Pathology-based Imaging Issues This chapter provides a broad summary of the varied measurement techniques used to evaluate the spine. The main focus for the reader should be the tables and…

Lumbar Spine

TERMINOLOGY Abbreviations Anterior longitudinal ligament (ALL) Posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL) Synonyms Articular processes = facets = zygapophyses GROSS ANATOMY Overview 5 discovertebral units (L1-L5) You’re Reading a Preview Become a Clinical Tree membership for Full access and enjoy Unlimited articles…

Thoracic Spine

TERMINOLOGY Abbreviations Costovertebral (CV) Synonyms Costal facet = demifacet GROSS ANATOMY Overview Consists of 12 vertebrae (T1-12) Thoracic kyphosis 1 of 2 primary spinal curves (thoracic & sacral) present at birth, maintained throughout life Cervical & lumbar lordoses are secondary…

Cervical Spine

TERMINOLOGY Synonyms Uncovertebral joint (joint of Luschka) C1 (atlas), C2 (axis) Definitions Subaxial cervical spine = C3-C7 GROSS ANATOMY Overview Consists of 7 vertebrae (C1-C7) Craniocervical junction (CCJ) : C1, C2, & articulation with skull base constitute craniocervical junction Subaxial…

Craniovertebral Junction

TERMINOLOGY Definitions Craniocervical junction (CCJ) = C1, C2, and articulation with skull base GROSS ANATOMY Overview Craniocervical junction comprises occiput, atlas, axis, their articulations, ligaments Components of Craniocervical Junction Bones Occipital bone – Occipital condyles are paired, oval-shaped, inferior prominences…

Normal Anatomy Overview

Imaging Anatomy There are 33 spinal vertebrae, which are composed of 2 components: A cylindrical ventral bone mass, which is the vertebral body , and the dorsal arch . 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar bodies 5 fused elements form…