Fetal and Neonatal Physiology

Ketone Body Metabolism in the Neonate

Acknowledgments The authors are most grateful to previous edition contributors to this chapter, including Paul S. Thornton, whose leadership and input on the chapter’s themes and data (particularly within the tables) were invaluable. Introduction The metabolism of ketone bodies is…

Maternal-Fetal Transfer of Lipid Metabolites

Acknowledgments The authors thank pp-science-editing.com for editing and linguistic revision of the manuscript. Preparation of this chapter was carried out in part with grants from the Universidad CEU—San Pablo, and the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (SAF2015-70747-R) of Spain. CIBEROBN…

Zinc in the Fetus and Neonate

Introduction In a remarkably short time, the general perception of zinc has progressed from that of a rather obscure essential trace mineral of doubtful significance for human health to that of a micronutrient of exceptional biologic and public health importance.…

Fetal and Neonatal Iron Metabolism

Acknowledgments Preparation of this chapter was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NICHD) and the Scottish Government (Rural and Environmental Scientific and Analytical services, RESAS). Introduction Iron is the fourth most abundant element and constitutes approximately 0.0075%…