
Figurate Erythemas

Introduction Erythema represents a change in the color of the skin that is due to the dilation of blood vessels, especially those in the papillary and reticular dermis. The color, which is blanchable, can vary from pink to dark red…

Urticaria and Angioedema

Synonyms ▪ Wheals – hives, nettle rash ▪ Angioedema – Quincke edema, angioneurotic edema Key features ▪ Urticaria is characterized by transient skin or mucosal swellings due to plasma leakage. Superficial dermal swellings are wheals, and deep swellings of the…

Dermatoses Due to Plants

Key features ▪ Plant constituents produce a variety of adverse cutaneous reactions, including a significant proportion of cases of allergic contact dermatitis ▪ Adverse cutaneous reactions are due to a small minority of plants ▪ The most common dermatoses related…

Occupational Dermatoses

Introduction Given the diverse occupations that people pursue, there are thousands of chemicals and other potentially noxious insults that can impinge on the skin in many different ways . Traditionally, the types of hazardous exposure are categorized as: mechanical –…

Irritant Contact Dermatitis

Synonyms ▪ Irritant reaction ▪ Irritant dermatitis ▪ Irritant dermatitis syndrome ▪ Irritant contact dermatitis syndrome ▪ Toxic contact dermatitis ▪ “Housewife's eczema” ▪ “Chemical burn” Key features ▪ Irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) is a localized, non-immunologically initiated, cutaneous inflammatory…

Allergic Contact Dermatitis

Synonyms ■ Contact dermatitis ■ Contact eczema Key features ■ Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is a pruritic, eczematous reaction ■ Acute ACD and many cases of chronic ACD are well demarcated and localized to the site of contact with the…

Other Eczematous Eruptions

In addition to contact and atopic dermatitis, there exists a heterogeneous group of inflammatory skin diseases that obviously share the hallmarks of eczema, but display characteristic additional features. Their pathogenesis is generally less well understood, but most exhibit distinctive etiologic…

Atopic Dermatitis

Synonym ▪ Atopic eczema Key features ▪ Common inflammatory skin condition that typically begins during infancy or early childhood and is often associated with other atopic disorders such as asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, food allergies, and eosinophilic esophagitis ▪ Complex genetic…

Lichen Planus and Lichenoid Dermatoses

Lichen Planus Synonym ▪ Lichen ruber planus Key features ▪ Idiopathic inflammatory disease of the skin, hair, nails and mucous membranes, seen most commonly in middle-aged adults ▪ Flat-topped violaceous papules and plaques favoring the wrists, forearms, genitalia, distal lower…


Synonyms ▪ Exfoliative dermatitis ▪ Exfoliative erythroderma ▪ Red man syndrome Key features ▪ Erythroderma is clinically defined as erythema and scaling involving >80–90% of the body surface area ▪ Systemic manifestations include peripheral edema, tachycardia, loss of fluid and…