Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology

Aging and the Blood

Introduction Age-related changes to normal blood cell development and function remain poorly understood but measurably evident. In 1961, Hayflick and Moorhead described experiments that established the concept that normal somatic cells have a finite number of cell divisions. After completing…

Endocrinology of Aging

Historical Overview The concept that hormones play a role in the aging process originated in the nineteenth century. Based on monkey studies, Hanley stated that myxedema resembled old age (senility), and this included “imbecility.” Brown-Sequard's experiments found that testicular extracts…

Aging of the Urinary Tract

Introduction Although traditional classification considers the upper and lower urinary tracts as part of one system, each serves a distinct function. In this edition, upper and lower urinary tract components will be considered, emphasizing the known effects of aging on…

Aging and the Gastrointestinal System

More than 20% of our population is expected to exceed 65 years of age by 2030, with the most rapidly growing segment older than 85 years. In 2050, the population aged 65 years and older is projected to be over…

Bone and Joint Aging

The musculoskeletal system serves three primary functions: (1) it enables an efficient means of limb movement; (2) it acts as an endoskeleton, providing overall mechanical support and protection to soft tissues; and (3) it serves as a mineral reservoir for…

Connective Tissues and Aging

Aging is a continuous process that constitutes a cycle studded with events that affect all systems in the body, including the connective tissues. The interrelationship between the aging process and connective tissues is complex, involving a variety of factors and…

Neurologic Signs in Older Adults

Neurologic disorders are a common cause of morbidity, mortality, institutionalization, and increased health care costs in the older adult population. Not only does advancing age increase the frequency and severity of neurologic disease, but it may also play an important…

Age-Related Changes in the Respiratory System

Respiratory Function Tests The commonly used respiratory function tests are presented in this chapter. In addition, patterns of lung function abnormality seen in some of the common types of condition are also presented. Breathing parameters include the following: Forced expiratory…

Effects of Aging on the Cardiovascular System

Advanced age is a major risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease. Why age increases the risk of cardiovascular disease is debatable. The increased risk might arise simply because there is more time to be exposed to risk factors…