Anesthesia Secrets

Autonomic nervous system

Questions/Answers 1 Describe the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a network of nerves and ganglia that provide involuntary (i.e., unconscious) control of the physiological actions that maintain internal homeostasis and respond to stress. The ANS innervates…

Airway management

1 Describe the anatomy of the upper and lower airway The upper airway consists of the nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx, and the lower airway, the tracheobronchial tree. The two openings to the upper airway (nose and mouth) are separated anteriorly…

Pre-operative evaluation

Question/Answers 1 What are the goals of the preoperative evaluation? The preoperative evaluation consists of gathering necessary information about the patient and formulating an appropriate anesthetic plan. The overall objective is to make sure the patient is medically optimized when…

Introduction to anesthesia

1 Where did the term “anesthesia” come from? Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1809–1894), the legendary physician, poet and polymath, suggested the term anesthesia in a now famous letter (although sadly, lost to historical archivists) after the public demonstration of ether…