Anhidrosis (Congenital Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia)


  • Rare: 1:125,000,000

  • Clusters in Japan and Israel

Perioperative Risks

  • Impaired thermoregulation (risk of fatal hyperpyrexia in infants)

  • Postop chest infections

Worry About

  • Absence of sweat leads to impaired thermoregulation.

  • Insensitivity to superficial and deep painful stimuli with intact tactile perception; still require considerable amounts of inhalational or IV anesthetics to maintain hemodynamic stability and obtund stress response to airway manipulation.


  • Innervation of the eccrine sweat glands is lacking; heat loss by evaporation is impaired.

  • Absent mucous glands from resp tract and esophagus; frequent resp infections.

  • Partial or complete absence of teeth.

  • Hypotrichosis (absent hair).

  • Self-mutilating behavior and mental retardation.

  • Characteristic facies: Prominent supraorbital ridges, depressed bridge and root of nose, large deformed ears, thick lips, underdeveloped maxilla and mandible.

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