Benign Bone Tumors and Nonneoplastic Conditions Simulating Bone Tumors

This chapter discusses bony lesions that do not usually behave aggressively locally and that have never been shown to metastasize. Most are either asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic except when complications, such as a pathologic fracture, occur. Many are discovered incidentally ( Table 25.1 ).

TABLE 25.1
Lesions of Bone
Tumor Age Demographics Site Presentation Imaging Histology Treatment Comments
Osteoid osteoma 2nd-3rd decades Male:female 3:1 Lower extremity long bones
Posterior elements spine
Pain; worse at night
Frequently responds to NSAIDs
Cortical radiolucent nidus <1.5 cm with marked cortical thickening Trabeculae surrounded by loose fibrovascular tissue NSAIDs
Burr down technique
Radiofrequency ablation
High levels of cyclooxygenases and prostaglandins in the lesion
Bone island Adults Male=female Pelvis
Usually asymptomatic Small round area of increased density in cancellous bone with radiating spicules at periphery Mature bone with thickened trabeculae that merge with normal bone at the periphery Observation Osteopoikilosis—multiple bone islands
Cartilage Lesions
Chondroma Adults Male=female Hand
Proximal humerus
Distal femur
Proximal tibia
Usually asymptomatic Lobulated areas of stippled calcification
Minimal cortical erosion (except in hand)
Benign-appearing hyaline cartilage Observation
Curettage if symptomatic
Ollier disease—multiple enchondromas (malignant transformation common)
Maffucci syndrome—multiple enchondromas with soft-tissue hemangiomas (malignant transformation common)
Osteochondroma 2nd-3rd decades Slight male predominance Metaphysis of long bones Mass; may be painful secondary to irritation of soft-tissue structures, fracture, or overlying bursa Pedunculated or sessile bone lesion that communicates with intra-medullary canal of host bone. Lesion has overlying cartilage cap Similar to epiphysis that undergoes endochondral ossification Observation if asymptomatic
Resection if symptomatic; cartilage cap must be removed entirely
Malignant transformation to chondrosarcoma is rare
Multiple hereditary exostoses (MHE) is autosomal dominantwith incomplete penetrance
MHE—mutation of EXT1 or EXT2
Fibrous Lesions
Nonossifying fibroma (NOF) 1st-2nd decades Male=female Metaphysis of long bones Asymptomatic; usually discovered incidentally on plain radiographs unless pathologic fracture Geographic, eccentric lesion located in metaphysis of long bones
Multilobulated appearance with well-defined sclerotic margins
Bland-appearing spindle cells arranged in a storiform pattern in a collagenous matrix Observation
Curettage if large
Fractures usually treated nonoperatively
Jaffe-Campanacci syndrome—multiple NOFs with café-au-lait spots
Cortical desmoid 2nd decade Male Posteromedial distal femoral metaphysis Usually asymptomatic Erosion of the posteromedial distal femoral cortex with a sclerotic base Fibrous tissue with collagenous stroma
Bland-appearing spindle cells arranged in a storiform pattern in a collagenous matrix (similar to NOF)
Observation Possibly a reaction to pull of adductor magnus
Benign fibrous histiocytoma 4th-5th decades Male=female Pelvis
Progressive pain Lobulated, centrally located, radiolucent with sclerotic rim Curettage
Fibrous dysplasia 1st-3rd decades Male=female Femur
Cutaneous pigmentation
Endocrine abnormalities
Ground-glass appearance with well-defined sclerotic rim Irregular woven bone spicules with a fibrous stroma Prophylactic fixation of impending fractures
Correction of deformity
Bisphosphonates for severe cases
McCune-Albright syndrome—polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, cutaneous pigmentation, endocrine abnormalities
Mazabraud syndrome —polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, intramuscular myxomas
Osteofibrous dysplasia 1st-2nd decades Male=female Tibia (diaphysis) Asymptomatic unless pathologic fracture
Anterior bowing
Multicentric radiolucent lesions in the cortex of the tibia Irregular trabeculae with prominent osteoblastic rimming
Loose fibrous stroma
Fractures usuallytreated nonoperatively
Surgery for correction of deformity
Desmoplastic fibroma 2nd-3rd decades Male:female 2:1 Any Pain
Pathologic fracture
Radiolucent lesion with cortical erosion
Frequently with septations
May have soft-tissue mass
Hypocellular fibrous tissue with abundant collagen Extended curettage vs. wide resection
Cystic Lesions
Unicameral bone cyst 1st-2nd decades Male:female 2:1 Proximal humerus
Proximal femur
Asymptomatic unless pathologic fracture Centrally located, purely radiolucent lesion
Concentrically expands cortex
No cortical destruction
Cyst filled with straw-colored fluid
Thin fibrovascular lining
Aspiration/injection (steroids, bone marrow, bone graft substitute)
Aneurysmal bone cyst 1st-2nd decades Slight female predominance Proximal humerus
Distal femur
Proximal tibia
Spine (posterior elements)
Pain Eccentric expansile radiolucent lesion
Thin cortical shell
Fluid/fluid levels on MRI
Hemorrhagic cavernous spaces
Septae of fibroblasts, histiocytes, hemosiderin-laden macrophages, and giant cells
Extended curettage
Consider preoperative embolization for pelvic lesions
Fatty Tumors
Lipoma Adults Male=female Any Asymptomatic Well-defined radiolucent lesions frequently with matrix calcification
Normal fat signal on MRI
Fatty tissue with focal areas of necrosis Observation
Vascular Tumors
Hemangioma Adults Male:female 1:2 Vertebral body Asymptomatic Thickened vertically oriented trabeculae (“jailhouse” appearance on radiographs, “polka dot” appearance on CT)
MRI bright on T1- and T2-weighted images
Proliferation of blood vessels None
Other Nonneoplastic Lesions
Paget disease 5th-8th decades Slight male predominance Vertebral body
Proximal femur
Pain Early lytic phase Late—thickened cortex, coarse trabeculae
Bone scan—hot
MRI—normal marrow signal
Woven bone
Irregular cement lines
Fibrovascular stroma
Virus-like inclusion bodies suggest viral etiology
Common in people of Anglo-Saxon descent, rare in others
Disorder of unregulated bone turnover
Brown tumor Adults Male=female Any Bone lesions frequently asymptomatic unless pathologic fracture
Symptoms of hypercalcemia (nausea, weakness, headaches, generalized bone pain)
Diffuse osteopenia
Multifocal radiolucent lesions with surrounding reactive bone
Giant cells, increased osteoclastic activity, marrow fibrosis
Diagnosis usually made by serum hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia
Medicalmanagement by endocrinologist
Surgery for actualor impendingpathologic fractures
Primary hyperparathyroidism usually caused by parathyroid adenoma
Secondary hyperparathyroidismusually caused by chronic renal failure
CT , Computed tomography; MRI , magnetic resonance imaging; NSAIDs , nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs.

Bone-Forming Tumors

Osteoid osteoma

Osteoid osteoma is a benign neoplasm most often seen in young men. Most osteoid osteomas are found in the second or third decades of life, but an occasional lesion has been reported in older patients. Almost any bone can be involved, although there is a predilection for the lower extremity, with half the cases involving the femur or tibia. The tumor may be found in cortical or cancellous bone. Multicentric lesions have been reported. No malignant change has ever been documented. The typical patient with an osteoid osteoma has pain that is worse at night and is relieved by aspirin or other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medications. Increased levels of cyclooxygenases and prostaglandins have been demonstrated in the lesions. This fact explains the cause of the intense pain as well as the dramatic pain relief that results from treatment with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medication. When the lesion is near a joint, swelling, stiffness, and contracture may occur. When the lesion is in a vertebra, scoliosis may occur. Imaging studies are usually diagnostic. Biopsy is rarely required to confirm the diagnosis. The lesion consists of a small (<1.5 cm), central radiolucent nidus with surrounding bony sclerosis. Plain radiographs are often sufficient to make the diagnosis. Computed tomography (CT) is the best technique to identify the nidus and confirm the diagnosis. The lesions demonstrate marked increased uptake on technetium bone scans. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies usually demonstrate extensive surrounding edema.

The microscopic appearance consists of fibrovascular tissue with immature bony trabeculae that are rimmed by prominent osteoblasts. The histologic appearance is similar to that of an osteoblastoma, with the exception that osteoblastomas are larger. The lesion is usually surrounded by a sclerotic rim. There is no nuclear atypia. Osteoclasts and occasional giant cells can be seen. There are no aggressive features.

Multiple treatment options are available, including medical treatment, percutaneous radiofrequency ablation, and open surgical procedures. If the patient’s symptoms are adequately controlled and the patient is willing to undergo long-term medical management, antiinflammatory medication can be used as the definitive treatment. Patients treated in this manner usually experience spontaneous healing of the lesion within 3 to 4 years.

Most patients with lesions of the pelvis or long bones of the extremities can be treated with percutaneous radiofrequency ablation ( Fig. 25.1 ). This technique involves a CT-guided core needle biopsy after which a radiofrequency electrode is inserted through the cannula of the biopsy needle. The temperature at the tip is increased to 90°C for 6 minutes. Multiple authors have reported excellent results with this procedure. It is usually done as an outpatient procedure, and patients can usually return immediately to full activity. Recurrence rates are less than 10%. Great care must be exercised when performing radiofrequency ablation on vertebral lesions because of the risk of injury to the spinal cord or nerve roots. The procedure may not be indicated for lesions of the small bones of the hands or feet because of the risk of thermal injury to the skin.

FIGURE 25.1, Imaging studies in 17-year-old girl who complained of left thigh pain for several months. Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) radiographs of left hip show small radiolucent lesion with thick sclerotic rim of reactive bone, suggestive of osteoid osteoma. C, Computed tomography clearly shows nidus and confirms diagnosis. D, Radiofrequency ablation probe placed into nidus under CT guidance.

Surgical management involves removal of the entire nidus. This can be accomplished by curettage or en bloc resection. The latter is associated with a low recurrence rate but is rarely indicated for lesions in the long bones because of an increased risk of postoperative pathologic fracture. More often, removal is done using the burr-down technique ( Fig. 25.2 ). This method consists of identifying the nidus intraoperatively with fluoroscopy and using a power burr to remove the sclerotic bone directly over the nidus. The nidus is removed using curets and sent for pathologic examination. The cavity is treated again with the power burr to ensure that the entire nidus has been removed. In this manner, only a minimal amount of surrounding reactive bone is removed, minimizing the risk of subsequent fracture. Recurrence rates with this technique are less than 10%.

FIGURE 25.2, A, Osteoid osteoma in lateral cortex of femoral diaphysis of 16-year-old boy. B, Technetium bone scan shows increased uptake in area of lesion. C, Intraoperative photograph after burr-down procedure. D, Typical microscopic appearance of osteoid osteoma.

A new noninvasive and radiation-free method of treatment is currently under investigation. Magnetic resonance–guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) ablation is a technique in which ultrasound waves are focused on the osteoid osteoma. When high-intensity waves are focused on a single point, considerable heat can be generated. MRI is used for both lesion localization and temperature monitoring. Preliminary studies have shown this technique to be safe and effective. Larger studies are needed to confirm preliminary findings.

Bone island

Bone islands, also called enostoses, are benign lesions of cancellous bone. They are usually asymptomatic and are discovered incidentally. Almost any bone can be involved, but the pelvis and the femur are the most common sites. It is unclear whether they represent a developmental abnormality or neoplastic process. Regardless, most remain quiescent. They are of interest primarily because other, more aggressive, lesions are occasionally in the differential diagnosis for patients with bone islands. Osteopoikilosis is a rare condition consisting of multiple small bone islands throughout the skeleton. Autosomal dominant and sporadic forms of the syndrome have been identified.

Bone islands can usually be diagnosed by plain radiographs. They are typically small, round or oval areas of homogeneous-increased density within the cancellous bone ( Fig. 25.3A ). Radiating spicules on the periphery of the bone islands merge with the native bone creating a brush-like border. No bony destruction or periosteal reaction is noted. They may show mildly increased uptake on bone scans; however, markedly positive scans should raise suspicion of more aggressive lesions. CT scans show thickened trabeculae, which merge with the surrounding bone. MRI usually shows well-defined lesions that are isointense to cortical bone and thus dark on T1- and T2-weighted images ( Fig. 25.3B and C ) with no surrounding edema. There are no aggressive imaging features.

FIGURE 25.3, A, Bone island in femoral neck of 30-year-old woman. B and C, Lesion is dark on T1- and T2-weighted MR images.

The microscopic appearance reflects the imaging characteristics. Bone islands consist of mature bone with thickened trabeculae. At the periphery of the lesion, the lesional trabeculae merge with the normal bone. There is no sclerotic rim. Occasionally, woven bone is a minor part of the lesion.

Most patients with bone islands can be treated with observation with serial plain radiographs. As long as the lesions remain asymptomatic and do not grow, no further intervention is indicated. If a patient experiences pain, or if the lesion grows, biopsy is indicated to rule out more aggressive lesions, such as a sclerosing osteosarcoma, blastic metastasis, or sclerotic myeloma.

Cartilage Lesions


Chondromas are benign lesions of hyaline cartilage. They are common, and all age groups are affected. Although any bone can be involved, the phalanges of the hand are the most common location. They are the most common tumor of the small bones of the hands and feet. Chondromas are usually asymptomatic and are frequently discovered incidentally during an unrelated radiographic examination. They can also be discovered after a pathologic fracture. They usually arise in the medullary canal, where they are referred to as enchondromas . Rarely, they arise on the surface of the bone, where they are referred to as periosteal chondromas or juxtacortical chondromas .

Multiple enchondromatosis, also known as Ollier disease, is a rare condition in which many cartilaginous tumors appear in the large and small tubular bones and in the flat bones. It is caused by failure of normal endochondral ossification. The tumors are located in the epiphysis and the adjacent parts of the metaphysis and shaft, and many bones may be affected. Deformities resulting from the tumors include shortening caused by lack of epiphyseal growth, broadening of the metaphyses, and bowing of the long bones. Multiple lesions of the small bones of the hand may cause considerable disability. When associated with hemangiomas of the overlying soft tissues, the disease is known as Maffucci syndrome. The individual lesions are similar to solitary enchondromas but they have a definite tendency to become malignant. Approximately 25% of patients with Ollier disease are diagnosed with sarcomas by 40 years of age.

Radiographically, enchondromas are benign-appearing tumors with intralesional calcification ( Fig. 25.4A and B ). The calcification is irregular and has been described as “stippled,” “punctate,” or “popcorn.” In the small bones of the hands and feet there may be considerable erosion and expansion of the overlying cortex. In more proximal locations (e.g., the pelvis, proximal humerus, or proximal femur), deep endosteal erosion (two thirds of the thickness of the cortex) frequently indicates a chondrosarcoma. An associated soft-tissue mass is never present with an enchondroma and always indicates a chondrosarcoma. Juxtacortical chondromas are usually small (<3 cm), well-defined lesions that frequently appear to fit in a saucer-shaped defect on the surface of the bone ( Fig. 25.5 ). The underlying cortex appears sclerotic and the edges of the lesion appear to be buttressed by a thick rind of cortical bone. Plain radiographs are usually sufficient to diagnose a chondroma. If the diagnosis is in question, CT is best to evaluate endosteal erosion that could indicate a chondrosarcoma ( Fig. 25.4C ).

FIGURE 25.4, A and B, Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of distal femur of 55-year-old woman show calcified lesion without cortical destruction most consistent with enchondroma. C, CT is best imaging study to confirm that there is no cortical destruction that might suggest chondrosarcoma.

FIGURE 25.5, Anteroposterior radiograph of left proximal humerus of 18-year-old man with a juxtacortical chondroma.

The microscopic appearance of a chondroma is that of mature hyaline cartilage. Proximally located enchondromas should appear bland and hypocellular. Any degree of hypercellularity or atypia in a proximally located cartilage tumor should raise suspicion of a chondrosarcoma. Enchondromas of the hand, juxtacortical chondromas, and lesions associated with multiple enchondromatosis may be relatively hypercellular with mild atypia, and still be benign. The differentiation of benign from malignant cartilaginous tumors is one of the most difficult problems in bone pathology. All available tissue must be examined, and even then the diagnosis may depend more on the clinical and radiographic features than on the microscopic changes.

Treatment of patients with solitary enchondromas usually consists of observation with serial radiographs. If the lesion remains radiographically stable and asymptomatic, no further intervention is indicated. If a lesion grows or if it becomes symptomatic, extended curettage is usually curative. Before recommending surgery for a symptomatic lesion, however, all efforts should be made to rule out other possible sources of the patient’s pain (e.g., rotator cuff tear in a patient with a proximal humeral enchondroma) ( Fig. 25.6 ). Recurrence rates are low. Treatment of patients with multiple enchondromatosis can be more difficult. Although the individual lesions are usually not treated, the more obvious deformities can be corrected by osteotomy. These patients must also be monitored indefinitely for malignant change.

FIGURE 25.6, Anteroposterior radiograph of left shoulder of 41-year-old woman with proximal humeral enchondroma who complained of left shoulder pain with overhead activity. It was determined that her symptoms were caused by her rotator cuff. She responded well to physical therapy, and lesion remained radiographically stable.


Osteochondromas are common benign bone tumors. They are probably developmental malformations rather than true neoplasms and are thought to originate within the periosteum as small cartilaginous nodules. The lesions consist of a bony mass, often in the form of a stalk, produced by progressive endochondral ossification of a growing cartilaginous cap. In contrast to true neoplasms, their growth usually parallels that of the patient and usually ceases when skeletal maturity is reached. Most lesions are found during the period of rapid skeletal growth. Approximately 90% of patients only have a single lesion. Osteochondromas may occur on any bone preformed in cartilage but are usually found on the metaphysis of a long bone near the physis ( Fig. 25.7 ). They are seen most often on the distal femur, the proximal tibia, and the proximal humerus. They rarely develop in a joint. Trevor disease (dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica) refers to an intra-articular epiphyseal osteochondroma. When multiple joints are involved, it is usually unilateral (hemimelica).

FIGURE 25.7, A and B, Radiograph and MR image of osteochondroma on distal femur of 15-year-old girl. C, Intraoperative photograph of lesion. D, Photograph of specimen. E, Photograph of bisected specimen. Cartilage caps are only 3 to 4 mm thick (arrows) .

Many of these lesions cause no symptoms and are discovered incidentally. Some cause mechanical symptoms by irritating the surrounding structures and, rarely, one becomes painful due to a fracture. False aneurysms of major lower extremity vessels caused by pressure from osteochondromas have been reported. Also, neuropathies caused by pressure from contiguous osteochondromas have occurred; the physical finding is usually a palpable mass.

Multiple hereditary exostoses is an autosomal-dominant condition with variable penetrance. Most patients with this disorder have a mutation in one of two genes: EXT1, which is located on chromosome 8q24.11-q24.13, or EXT2, which is located on chromosome 11p11-12. In this disease, osteochondromas of many bones are caused by an anomaly of skeletal development. The most striking feature is the presence of many exostoses ( Fig. 25.8 ), but disturbances in growth also occur, such as abnormal tubulation of bones, producing broad and blunt metaphyses, and sometimes bowing of the radius and shortening of the ulna, producing ulnar deviation of the hand. The disease only occurs 5% to 10% as often as solitary osteochondroma and is more common in males. It is usually discovered at approximately the same age as the solitary lesion, but closer examination of children in families with the disease might lead to earlier discovery.

FIGURE 25.8, Knees of 22-year-old woman with multiple hereditary exostoses. Arrow marks healed femoral fracture sustained in postoperative period after resection of one of the lesions. Note tibial angulation.

Osteochondromas are of two types: pedunculated and broad based or sessile. All gradations between these types also occur. Pedunculated tumors are more common, and any definite stalk is directed away from the physis adjacent to which it takes its origin. The projecting part of the lesion has cortical and cancellous components, both of which are continuous with corresponding components of the parent bone. The lesion is covered by a cartilaginous cap that is often irregular and cannot usually be seen on radiographs; occasionally, calcification within the cap may be seen. Typically, the cap is only a few millimeters thick in adults, although it may be 2 cm thick in a child. A bursa frequently overlies the tumor and may contain osteocartilaginous loose bodies. Plain radiographs are usually sufficient to make a diagnosis. Occasionally, a CT or MRI scan is needed to confirm the diagnosis.

Malignant degeneration is extremely rare. Large series have estimated the incidence of malignant degeneration to be approximately 1% for patients with a solitary osteochondroma and 5% for patients with multiple hereditary exostoses. However, these percentages were derived from pathologic data and thus there is inherent bias toward large, symptomatic lesions that subsequently underwent resection at a referral center. The true incidence of malignant degeneration is much lower than these figures suggest because the true prevalence of osteochondromas is unknown. Most patients are asymptomatic and never seek medical attention. Malignant transformation should be suspected when a previously quiescent lesion in an adult grows rapidly; it usually takes the form of a low-grade chondrosarcoma. In these cases, the cartilage cap is usually more than 2 cm thick. Malignant transformation is best evaluated by CT or MRI.

Surgery (en bloc resection) is indicated when the lesion is large enough to be unsightly or produces symptoms from pressure on surrounding structures or when imaging features suggest malignancy. On rare occasions, the diagnosis of a sessile lesion cannot be established by studying the radiographs, and biopsy is indicated. Recurrence is rare and is probably caused by failure to remove the entire cartilaginous cap. Patients with multiple hereditary exostoses may require osteotomies to correct deformity.

A similar lesion, subungual exostosis, may develop on a distal phalanx, especially of the great toe. Often there is a definite history of trauma. Excision is indicated when elevation of the nail produces pain. The history and location of the lesion distinguish it from a true osteochondroma.

Fibrous Lesions

Nonossifying fibroma

Nonossifying fibromas (also known as metaphyseal fibrous defects, fibrous cortical defects, and fibroxanthomas) are common developmental abnormalities and are believed to occur in 35% of children. Usually, they are found incidentally. Generally, these lesions occur in the metaphyseal region of long bones in individuals 2 to 20 years old. Although any bone may be involved, approximately 40% of these lesions are found in the distal femur, 40% in the tibia, and 10% in the fibula. On plain radiographs, a nonossifying fibroma appears as a well-defined lobulated lesion located eccentrically in the metaphysis ( Fig. 25.9 ). Multilocular appearance or ridges in the bony wall, sclerotic scalloped borders, and erosion of the cortex are frequent findings. There is no periosteal reaction in the absence of a pathologic fracture.

FIGURE 25.9, A and B, Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of nonossifying fibroma of proximal tibia in a 15-year-old patient.

Histologically, the defect is filled with spindle-shaped cells distributed in a whorled or storiform pattern. There is fibroblastic proliferation with high cellularity. Giant cells and foam cells are almost always apparent.

Most nonossifying fibromas are asymptomatic and regress spontaneously in adulthood. Most pathologic fractures can be treated nonoperatively. Lesions may become symptomatic and require treatment if they become large or if they are subjected to repeated trauma. Some authors have recommended treatment for lesions that are larger than 50% of the diameter of the bone because of a theoretical increased risk of pathologic fracture, although this parameter is not universally accepted as an indication for surgery. Recurrence after curettage is rare ( Fig. 25.10 ).

FIGURE 25.10, A 14-year-old adolescent sustained a pathologic fracture through distal tibial nonossifying fibroma after minimal trauma. A, Valgus malunion of distal tibia. B, Two years after osteotomy, curettage, and bone grafting (calcium phosphate/calcium sulfate bone graft substitute), patient was asymptomatic and had normal function.

Cortical desmoid

A cortical desmoid is an irregularity in the posteromedial aspect of the distal femoral metaphysis and is usually seen in boys 10 to 15 years old. It may be a reaction to muscle stress exerted by the adductor magnus. The lesion is best seen on an oblique radiograph made with the lower extremity externally rotated 20 to 45 degrees. Clinical symptoms, if any, include soft-tissue swelling and pain. Radiographs and MRI reveal erosion of the cortex with a sclerotic base ( Fig. 25.11 ). A biopsy is not warranted. Treatment usually consists of observation.

FIGURE 25.11, Cortical desmoid of left femur in 8-year-old boy. Anteroposterior radiograph (A) and coronal (B) and axial (C) MR images.

Benign fibrous histiocytoma

Benign fibrous histiocytoma is a rare entity that was first described by Dahlin in 1978. This lesion occurs most frequently in the soft tissues and is less common in bone. Although it is histologically similar to nonossifying fibroma, it is a much more aggressive tumor in its biologic behavior and radiographic characteristics ( Fig. 25.12 ). In contrast to nonossifying fibroma, which is usually an eccentric metaphyseal lesion, benign fibrous histiocytoma may occur in the diaphysis or epiphysis of long bones or in the pelvis. It is distinguished further by its occurrence in older patients between the ages of 30 and 40 years. Radiographically, benign fibrous histiocytoma is a well-defined, lytic, expanding lesion with little periosteal reaction. Bone scans are usually mildly positive. In contrast to nonossifying fibroma, this lesion is considered a true neoplasm. Because of its tendency for local recurrence, extended curettage or wide resection is recommended.

FIGURE 25.12, A, Radiograph of a benign fibrous histiocytoma of lateral malleolus. Low-power (B) and high-power (C) photomicrographs demonstrate typical histologic appearance of benign fibrous histiocytoma.

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