Accessory Nipples (Polythelia)


  • Description: Accessory nipples are supernumerary nipples found along defined developmental lines known as the “milk lines.”

  • Prevalence: Observed in 0.22%–2.5% of women and in up to 5%–6% of Asian women.

  • Predominant Age: Congenital in origin. Present in 1% of births (both males and females)

  • Genetics: No genetic pattern.

Etiology and Pathogenesis

  • Causes: Developmental abnormality.

  • Risk Factors: More common in males and in African-Americans.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Asymptomatic.

  • Most commonly found below a normal left breast. It is more common to have one or more extra nipples (polythelia) than to have true accessory breasts (polymastia). When accessory breast tissue is present, it is most often found in the axilla.

Diagnostic Approach

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